Lunchbox Apple Oat Bars (nut free) Totally nut-free and loaded with fibre, healthy fats, plant…
Cherries are a good source of fibre, vitamin C, folic acid and minerals, including potassium, calcium. One cup of cherries has about 90 calories in it if you’re counting. They are also a source of antioxidants, anthoycyanins and cyanidin, which may help the body fight inflammation in conditions such as arthritis. They have also been studied for their ability to reduce muscle pain and stress after a hard work out: try throwing them in your next smoothie after hitting the gym!
Mix the corn starch and water in a small glass and slowly pour it into the cherries, stirring constantly. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes and remove from the heat.
Preheat the oven to 350 F and line a greased 9×13” pan with parchment paper.
Prepare the topping by combining all of the ingredients together in a medium bowl and stirring to combine. Set aside.